Author: TEECS

September 11th is a National Day of Service and Remembrance, often referred to as Patriot’s Day, in memory of those we lost during the attacks on September 11th, 2001. The day is recognized as time of remembrance, including all the heroes who rushed to the scene of the attack to...

Akshat represented New Jersey and placed 13th out of 672 participants in the Congressional Debate event of the NSDA National Tournament held online between June 14th to 21st. Congratulations to Akshat! Congressional Debate is a competitive interscholastic high school Debate event in the United States. In Congressional...

On September 1, 2020, Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School opened its doors! We are pleased to announce that we have been able to start our school year off safely and on schedule! The team at TEECS has worked extremely hard to follow all the guidelines...

On Tuesday, August 25th, Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School will host free COVID-19 and/or Antibody Testing for it's families and staff. Please register for an appointment through the link provided on the flyer. You can test for one or both between the hours of 10...

With TEECS family: parents, colleagues, and loved ones, we grieve and stand committed to calling for justice for George, Breonna, and Ahmaud. Hatred, racism, and violence against anyone anywhere shatters the peace and affects all of us. As a community, we wish for true peace and...

Responding to the need of the local community, the Visionary Volunteers at TEECS ran a GoFundMe campaign tapping the families, neighbors, and the community members, to donate to the Local Franklin Food Bank. Their efforts resulted in collecting $1170, handed over to the food bank...

On Friday, May 29th, TEECS celebrated Field Day virtually for grades 4-6. Field Day is an important tradition at most schools. At TEECS, we feel that in these incredibly challenging times this event is a unique way that we can stay connected as a community...

On Friday, May 29th, TEECS celebrated Field Day virtually for grades K-3. Field Day is an important tradition at most schools. At TEECS, we feel that in these incredibly challenging times this event is a unique way that we can stay connected as a community...

Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School recognized Earth Day's 50th Anniversary with a week-long celebration of various Earth Day activities. Each grade was provided options based on their grade level and students were encouraged to take pictures of themselves participating in the activities. The week was kicked...

  [vc_video link='']       Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School is continuing to spread school spirit. Each week is a theme for our students to have some fun and feel connected to their classmates, teachers and school. Each day students and parents upload photos of themselves enjoying the theme and...