Author: TEECS

First time in history, we ranked top three at Robotics!, Congratulations to our VEX IQ Robotics TEECS students! STAR HUNTERS FIRST Place, ROBOTEECS and PROGRAMVEX, for placing second and third respectively in the VEX IQ Tournament held during the weekend at Cherry Hills, NJ. And Congratulations...

Students in the 6th Pre- Algebra class were completing a scavenger hunt on percents. Students were collaboratively solving real world problems about percent increase,decrease, markups and markdowns and sales tax. ...

Hats off to Mr. Unal and Mr. Comella for holding Science Olympiad Camp with 24 students and 3 parents over the Thanksgiving weekend!!!! Students had a total of 8 study sessions (each about 1.5 hours) and tons of activities. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157712045527162' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show...

TEECS Speech and Debate team-Yusra Amir,  Sarang Patki, Akshat Parthiban Sudip Suresh, Arnav Lakhia, Ayesha Amir, Anika Parthiban and Rhawda Zuriki participated in the Villiger Speech and Debate Tournament at St Joseph University, Philadelphia on 23rd and 24 th. There were over 1000 participants from...

On Saturday, November 23, TEECS' FTC High School Robotics teams went to Kane University to participate in an FTC Meet-up Event. TEECS' Girls Team, Fembot, and the High School Team, EnergySmart, both participated. Thank you to Mr. Kurt, Mr. Robert, and Mr. Ahmet for helping...

On Saturday, November 16, TEECS' Model UN Team participated in a MUN event at Franklin High School. They were part of the DISEC Committee which discussed the disarmament of chemical weapons. ...

Wednesday, November 21, TEECS’ Freshman Biology class and Sophomore RVCC Environmental Science Academy class visited Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. They had an opportunity to listen to Dr. Karwe, Dean of Biological Science and International Studies, give an overview of the program. They...

Thursday, November 14, TEECS held the first quarter award ceremonies for all grades. These awards are one way we like to celebrate our students and all their hard work. We would like to thank the TEECS staff as well as our parents for helping our...

On November 14, our High School Juniors visited Merck’s IT Hub in Branchburg, NJ. The Merck IT team presented about cybersecurity and the students toured their modern Cyber Fusion Center. Students then participated in an agile development workshop to learn about ideation and software development....

TEECS’ 9th grade students had a field trip to Amazon Fulfillment Center on Thursday, November 14. Amazon is one of the most successful companies in the world. TEECS’ hope is that these types of trips will expose students to new technology and experiences that will...