Author: TEECS

TEECS won both sets against Beloved Community Charter School! Set 1 ended with a score of 25 to 5 and set 2 ended with a score of 25 to 17. Congratulations TEECS' Tigers! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157719031853020' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School Student Awarded Prestigious National Honor Society Scholarship Akshat Parthiban is one of 575 semifinalists receiving a NHS scholarship   Somerset, New Jersey – The National Honor Society (NHS) announced that Akshat Parthiban, a high school senior at Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School and member of NHS, has been selected as...

TEECS Speech and Debate Wins @ Summit Hilltopper Classic Tournament! TEECS Speech and Debate Team participated in the online Summit Hilltopper Classic Tournament. Anika advanced to finals and ranked 5th in the Informative Speaking event. Ayesha advanced to the finals and ranked 3rd in the Declamation Speaking event. The...

TEECS is proud to report that a few of our students used the nice weather as an opportunity to clean-up their community. Megna, Isha, Samanvi and Lasya picked up trash around the school and Cedar Manor community preservation area. They collected 10 bags of trash...

Students in grades K-2 participated in a two-week-long reading challenge using the Epic online program to see how many books they could read.  The winners received a Barnes and Noble gift card.  All the students did an amazing job and we are so proud of...

Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School is focused on its mission of sustainability. With the creation of two environmentally focused teams, Green Team and Environmental Alliance Club, our students are involved more than ever in making a difference in our community. The Environmental Alliance Club consists of...

Following the restrictions of our "new normal", TEECS continues to celebrate with its staff members in creative ways when they have a milestone. This week, we celebrated our Spanish Teacher, Ms. Martinez, as she prepares for her upcoming wedding. Although we couldn't gather together as...