Author: TEECS

On October 10th students celebrated their grandparents in the Learning Center. Students asked and answered questions about their interests, took pictures in the photo booth, and finished off with some sand art for a craft. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157711290791973' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

Students in the 9th grade biology class researched to identify and describe the components of enzyme substrate system. In addition, Students analyzed the roles that enzymes play in a system and communicated their findings in the form of models. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157711275560031' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers=''...

On Monday, October 7, Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School celebrated the World Day of Bullying Prevention. Students had a free dress down in blue to show their support and stand against bullying. This day kicks off the National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month every October where...

On Sunday, October 6, Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School attended the Philadelphia Mini Maker Faire! TEECS displayed the NASA Projects / World Championship Robots. Our booth received a lot of visitors with many great questions. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157711262008548' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

On Wednesday, October 2, Thomas Edison EnergySmartCharter School participated in the National Walk & Bike to School Day. TEECS's goal is to help grow this movement locally and inspire the community to come together to promote health, air quality awareness, and safer routes to school...

On Tuesday, September 24, TEECS had the honor of being visited by motivational speaker Tushar, the great-grandson of Kasturba and Mohandas Gandhi, Mahatma. He is a Printer by qualification and is the Founder/President of the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, India in 1997. The Foundation works to...

Congratulations Alisa! -3rd Place!??‍♀️ On Saturday, September 14th, 2019, TEECS High School Student Alisa attended "Meters for Mike" race. This is a "1500 Meters for Mike” and is the largest open ocean water swim along the New Jersey shoreline. This is an event advocating and raising...

Last week, teachers invited parents into their classrooms to get a glimpse of what their child’s school year will be like. Teachers shared information on curriculum, grading policies, behavior policies and classroom procedures. Children that were in attendance were given the opportunity to create their...

  Congratulations TEECS has met the rigorous requirements to achieve Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification. TEECS is part of a group of 108 schools that achieved the Sustainable Jersey for Schools certification in 2019. We are so glad to be part of this amazing program and be...