Author: TEECS

TEECS High school students Srikar, Tejaswini, Neel, and Ujjayi has participated as team ROBOMIA in Zero Robotics High school competition and got selected as finalists (6th in the world). Totally 14 teams will be selected as finalists at the end of alliance round. The team spent...

Our High and Middle School Basketball teams already played two games. We will be having two more games tonight! Good luck to our basketball teams! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157698650856510' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

On 12/8/2018, TEECS Open house was well attended. Many interested families from North Brunswick, Piscataway, and Franklin Township were a part of the school tour and information session. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157698618080420' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

Students are looking forward to Thanksgiving after making some yummy pumpkin pies and talking about their favorite holiday pastimes. ...

On Tuesday, the Blue House celebrated their win for the first marking period Tiger Stripes totals. Students got together to eat, listen to music, and play some games against each other in the learning center. Mr. Gross beat all challengers at Mario Kart 8 while...

TEECS FTC robotics team EnergySmart competed in a meet at Central Jersey. By placing among top teams, we were able to secure a spot in the alliance picking and made our way from semi-finals to finals. We ended up winning finalist alliance. Our programming...

TEECS Vex-IQ Robotics teams did a great job, today. We will continue fighting to qualify for state competition! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157698457835630' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

On November 30th  It was a great night!. Our sparkle and drama club performed at Brooklyn Nets game. Btw the game went to overtime twice!!!. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157674229657777' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...