Author: TEECS

Yesterday, October 22, Sustainable Jersey for Schools held an awards dinner for all schools who successfully submitted their application. TEECS applied for the Bronze level and has become a certified SJS school! We are very excited to be a part of this prestigious program. We would like...

THANK YOU PTO!!! The faculty at TEECS would like to thank you for the treats. We truly appreciate all that you do and your efforts to make our days brighter! ...

Hard work pays off and soon our students will be off to college! Yesterday, October 22, TEECS' 11th grade class made their first college visit to Lafayette College. It was so much fun and surely an eye-opening experience for our students. We will continue to have college...

On Monday, October 21, 2019, TEECS welcomed special guests, Somerset County Freeholder, Patricia Walsh & President, Somerset County Association of Police Chiefs, William Parenti to the school. During their visit, Mr. Comella’s 7th-grade science class involved them in a lab experiment about Heating and Cooling.  Our students...

On Monday, October 21, 2019, TEECS welcomed special guests, Somerset County Freeholder, Patricia Walsh & President, Somerset County Association of Police Chiefs, William Parenti to the school. During their visit, Mr. Comella’s 7th-grade science class involved them in a lab experiment about Heating and Cooling.  Our students...

TEECS Celebrates Hispanic Heritage The hispanic culture is very rich, colorful and full of people that make you smile. It is composed by 21 countries with very colorful flags. Today October 17th, TEECS celebrated Hispanic Heritage through dancing merengue and bachata. Also, some of the students...

TEECS junior students at Raritan Valley College campus working hard on the appendicular skeleton as part of their anatomy and Physiology college course. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157711379949577' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

In celebration of National Fire Prevention Week, the Franklin Township Fire Department visited TEECS students in Kindergarten and First Grade. During this time local departments educate the community on fire prevention methods as well as safety precautions to follow in case of a fire. Students...

Students in Mr. Comella’s 7th grade science class, determined how much gas is produced in a citric acid and sodium bicarbonate reaction. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157711365065683' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

In the Honors Algebra-2- class with Mr. Altayli, students are reviewing all the topics before Unit Test with Hershey Chocolate Competition. With this game, students are working together to find the correct answer and showing their understanding by solving each question. On the other hand, students...