Author: TEECS

The week of November 16th was TEECs' Don't Bully Week. Led by Tuana Sari and our own Mikaylah Mgbako, the 7-10 grade students learned about the different forms of bullying, took an anti-bullying pledge, watched dances performed and directed by students, and wrapped up the...

The Association of American Educators presented an award to Mrs. J Patel for being chosen as one of the top three recipients in the fall 2018 National Teacher Scholarship & Classroom Grant competition. AAE appreciates and acknowledges teacher's efforts to provide high quality and compelling...

Our 9th and 10th graders attended the first-ever field trip to the Broadway Musical with Mr. Altayli & Ms. Hasani in the history of TEECS. As TEECS teachers, we strengthen not only our students' language arts skills but also their visual arts and performing...

The Tennis Club continues to work on their ground strokes and perfect the backhand. Tennis Club members cheer each other on as they approach the net to hit their winning shots! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157673951908927' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

TEECS students competed in the FIRST LEGO League competition in Warren Hills this weekend.  They had fun meeting new teams and working together to complete tasks throughout the day. Even though they had a few programming hiccups they were positive and continued to work hard...

TEECS Girls from 9th & 10th-grades have recently attended at Young Women's Business Leadership Conference organized by Harvard University Women in Business initiative, which brought together over 150 high school women throughout the nation who shared a passion for business and built a community of...

On November 3rd , 2018. TEECS Math Counts Team participated competition at Princeton University. There were around 250 students from all 6th to 8th grade participating at the Competition. TEECS Math Counts Team won first place in Circuit station from 4 different stations. (Popcorn, Toothpicks, Triumphant...

Last Saturday, Turkish club students visited the Turkish Cultural Center of NYC. The student had a chance to learn water marbling “Ebru”, a traditional Turkish art while learning colors in Turkish and enjoyed Turkish bagels. Afterward, the group visited NBC studios. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157674660020848' layout='circle' per_page='12'...

TEECS welcome moms this week to enjoy a light breakfast with their children. The guests gathered in the morning for muffins and beverages - and some extra time with Mom! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157699114172832' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...