Author: TEECS

Glee Club is a group of talented students form grades 1-5 who perform for school and public events. Glee Club is created with the purpose to give students the opportunity to develop and enhance their talents in music, acting, and dance; to instill an awareness...

Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23, 2019, Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School celebrated Earth Day. Every grade participated in activities that celebrated the environment. The activities started off with each class cleaning their classroom, desks, lockers, and cubbies with Sustainable Earth cleaning wipes, Kindergarten...

On April 22nd, 7-10 graders took part in Earth Day activities. 7th Graders planted trees and flowers out in front of the school while 8th graders worked hard to clean up our area and collect trash. 9th graders took a nature hike to appreciate our...

On Monday, April 8th, elementary, middle and high school students in grades K to 10 gathered to celebrate their hard work in the 3rd Marking Period. Along with the awards given to students, the school Poetry Contest winners were also recognized for their work. Students...

Volleyball First Game First Win! We are proud of announcing our first win in a Volleyball Competition vs North Star Academy . Our girls did great job. 3-0 1st set: 25-5 2nd set: 25-8 3rd set: 25-2 Our next game (April 24,2019) will be held in our home court. You are all...

Middle School Model UN @ New York! On March 28-30, 2019, TEECS's Middle School Model UN team participated in the MSMUN in NYC. They had the opportunity to represent Croatia and Iraq. Our students also visited the UN at the conclusion of the conference. This was...

US NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOR VEX IQ!! Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School celebrates another VEX IQ award! Congratulations to Gagan and Levent of team E-Smart for placing 9th out of 79 teams and receiving the Sportsmanship Award at the CREATE U.S. Open Robotics World Championship Tournament in...

TEECS Speech and Debate team-Yusra Amir, Sudip Suresh, Sarang Patki, Moiez Qamar and Akshat Parthiban participated in the NJ State Speech and Debate Championship at Hunterdon Central Regional High School. There were over 1000 participants from all high schools in New Jersey. All of them ranked...

Thank you all the Assemblymen who visited our NJ Stem Month projects booth yesterday at NJ State House: Assemblyman Christopher P.DePhillips, Assemblyman Kevin J.Rooney, Assemblyman Ned Thompson, Assemblyman Daniel R.Benson and as always Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker. With the support of Governor Murphy’s administration and Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s...