Recent News

It is our pleasure to share with you all the photographs of vegetables (Cherry tomatoes, kale, and yellow pepper) harvested by the green team from the school garden.   Today at lunch, we held a tomato tasting using TEECS assorted cherry tomatoes grown from our very own...

On Wednesday, September 5th, John W. Fodor, the Chief of Detectives of the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office and his representatives visited TEECS to conduct a security assessment/active shooter inspection. The chief and his associates had a very positive review of our security measures here at TEECS.  We are also working with...

Grades 2-5 Theatre Arts classes put on a performance for TEECS on Monday. They have been working very hard all year and did a great job showing us all they learned. It was a great show! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157668254558057' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

Kindergarten, 6th and 8th Grade graduated this week from TEECS! All the grades had wonderful ceremonies that were filled with music, speeches and family and friends. All our graduates did an amazing job this year! We are so proud of them. A big thank you...

On Tuesday and Wednesday, TEECS held our annual Science Fair for all grades. Parents were welcomed to come see the student's projects and presentations. After the presentations, parents were welcomed to attend the Science Awards Ceremony. During the awards for grades 6-9, TEECS had a very...

This week TEECS held Donuts with Dad for all grades! Students and their Dads were invited to enjoy a yummy breakfast of donuts along with their child's teacher and other dads. It was great seeing everyone! Thank you to all our dads for their unwavering,...

On Thursday May 31st, TEECS held a multicultural fair during school hours. Students in grades K-6 each were given a country to represent. Each class studied the country's culture, food, language, sports, music, currency, clothes and geography. During the fair, the classes were able to...

On May 30th and 31st, TEECS Drama Club performed The Little Mermaid Jr. They did an outstanding job! Congrats to all the performers and to Ms. You did such a good job! Vigorito and Mrs. Vacca for all their hard work!! Great Job!! ​ [gallery type='flickr'...

On Wednesday May 23rd to May 25th, grades 4-9 held a Math Fair for the younger grades. The Math Fair provided a way to showcase innovative math ideas and games that the students came up with on their own. This fair was a great...