Recent News

FTC High School Robotics competed at NJ Qualifier, Liberty Science Center today and Won Motivate Award, Winning Alliance Award and Inspire Award 2nd place. The team advanced to the State level to be held in March. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157702266574922' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More'] ...

On December 13, 2018, TEECS held its first ever National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at Tagore Hall.   We welcomed twenty tenth graders as our first class of inductees to NHS. These students were selected by the NHS Committee Members and   will serve to remind...

This year, we had our Science and Math Olympiad Camp at Alpine Scout Camp in Alpine, New Jersey. About 30 kids from 7 through 9th  grade enjoyed the weekend with lots of studying sessions along with many fun indoor/outdoor activities. We had archery, wall climbing,...

Last week TEECS held our annual Winter Concert at Tagore Hall.  Grades K through 5 performed the first night, with students singing, playing recorder and members of the band playing their instruments! In addition, we were able to sell some of our students’ recycled ornaments...

On December 13th, grades 6-10 held their winter concert. Ms. Taylor led the students in over a dozen songs,dances, and drumming numbers at Tagore hall. In between grade level performances, the music theory and guitar classes played instrumental songs. The night finished with a an...

TEECS High school students Srikar, Tejaswini, Neel, and Ujjayi has participated as team ROBOMIA in Zero Robotics High school competition and got selected as finalists (6th in the world). Totally 14 teams will be selected as finalists at the end of alliance round. The team spent...

Our High and Middle School Basketball teams already played two games. We will be having two more games tonight! Good luck to our basketball teams! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157698650856510' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

On 12/8/2018, TEECS Open house was well attended. Many interested families from North Brunswick, Piscataway, and Franklin Township were a part of the school tour and information session. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157698618080420' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

Students are looking forward to Thanksgiving after making some yummy pumpkin pies and talking about their favorite holiday pastimes. ...