Recent News

TEECS Middle School Basketball team has played a few games over the last few weeks: Saturday, February 20th against TJ 8G at Metuchen SportsPlex-Court 2 - TEECS WON! Saturday, February 27th against Stampede at MSC Yellow Friday, March 5th against Midd South 7 White at Salvation Army -...

Mr.Yeung’s 9T students applied the momentum-impulse principle practically to create these helmets. They calculated for force, impact duration, acceleration, and velocity after a fall. They tested their devices with an egg drop and considered real-life criteria and constraints for their helmets. .         ...

News 12 New Jersey We collected and donated a large amount of boxed and canned foods to the Franklin Food Bank in November. Students and staff dropped off donations to the Main Office all week to collect for the donations. Lots of families were grateful...

The Green Team is excited to announce some events that are coming up soon. We are hosting our very first Wellness Fair here at TEECS on Saturday, April 24th from 11am to 1pm. We hope that staff (and their families!) can join us for this...

10th Grade students participated in a historical mock trial of Andrew Jackson. The class was divided between a prosecution and defense side and both teams presented their arguments on whether or not Andrew Jackson was guilty of violating the Constitution. Fortunately for President Jackson, he was...

TEECS has completed our first Living Wall! It is located in our main lobby, so anyone who visits the school can enjoy it. We would like to give a huge shout out to the Abeyaguna family. They helped lead this effort and donated the wall structure...