Recent News

This Saturday, TEECS held its first Science Bowl Tournament for grades K-3. The students used their problem solving skills and determination to perform a variety of hands-on, fun, challenging science activities using ordinary classroom and household items. Through trial and error, the students redesigned their...

Our girl’s Volleyball team won again; this is their 5th victory of the season! They played against Philip’s Academy with the final scores of 25-12 for the 1st set and 26-24 for the 2nd set. Their next game is scheduled for June 3, 2019, on our...

During the past two days, TEECS held its Spring Concerts. Our amazingly talented students had a chance to show off their signing, dancing and instrumental skills to the school and their parents. We are so proud of them and would like to thank Mrs. Taylor...

TECCS’ 6th-grade classes went on an overnight trip to the NJ School of Conservation where they learned about earth conservation and participated in various team-building activities like archery and canoeing. All students and staff had a great time. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157708842912562' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More'] ...

They won their 4th game against Hudson Arts & Science Charter School last Friday. TEECS’ Tigers head into the playoffs UNDEFEATED! Friday’s game scores were 25-10 for the first set and 25-23 for the second set. Their next game is scheduled for Friday, May 31...

On 2018-2019 Academic Year TEECS Math Counts Team participated Math Olympiads League. There were more than 160,000 students from all Elementary & Middle schools participating at the Competition. TEECS Math Counts Team member Raghav scored in the top %1 Nationally in the All Grade Categories. Congratulations to Raghav and all the team members. Math Olympiads is a nationwide math coaching and competition program for Elementary & Middle school students.Math Olympiads Contest promotes student interest...

This past Sunday, May 19, 2019, TEECS’ middle and high school flag football teams had an excellent day on the football field. Both teams played two games and were 1-1 on the day. The middle school team lost their first game with a score of...

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, TEECS’ Tigers won their 3rd Volleyball game against Philips Academy. They scored 25-10 in the 1st set, 25-16 in the 2nd set, and 15-9 in the 3rd set. We are so happy for our girls and want to thank the...