Recent News

TEECS Speech and Debate team-Yusra Amir, Sudip Suresh, Sarang Patki, Moiez Qamar and Akshat Parthiban participated in the NJ State Speech and Debate Championship at Hunterdon Central Regional High School. There were over 1000 participants from all high schools in New Jersey. All of them ranked...

Thank you all the Assemblymen who visited our NJ Stem Month projects booth yesterday at NJ State House: Assemblyman Christopher P.DePhillips, Assemblyman Kevin J.Rooney, Assemblyman Ned Thompson, Assemblyman Daniel R.Benson and as always Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker. With the support of Governor Murphy’s administration and Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s...

Congratulations to TEECS Science Olympiad Team, Robotics Teams for receiving citations from the Somerset County Board of Freeholders. Thank you Somerset County Board of Freeholders! -NJIT Science Olympiad Overall 1st Place -Liberty Science Center FTC Robotics 1st Place -Vex IQ Robotics Excellence Award 1st Place [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157706325931111' layout='circle' per_page='12'...

  TEECS is currently accepting resume for the following position:     High School Math Teacher (Full-Time) Teach mathematics to high school students. Develop a mathematics curriculum. Prepare course objectives, outlines, syllabus for math courses. Prepare, administer, and grade tests and assignments in order to evaluate students'...

Students from 8th grade worked on the circuits for a V-Lab Task called "It's Logical". They learned about inputs and outputs of a circuit, basic logic theory, and the application of these concepts in electronics. To simulate the hands-on the environment of engineering, students wired their own...

On March 13th and 14, 2019 the 7th grade class at Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School took an overnight field trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Gettysburg is the site of a historic 3 day battle of the American Civil War and is a much-beloved place in...

We celebrated PI (3.14) day with nice competition among our talented students. In this amazing day, our students tried to memorize the digits of Pi as much as possible. The winner of the competition won Apple PI. Our students had fun and created awesome posters...

Congratulations TEECS FAMILY! We are proud to announce that out of 2,089 public schools in New Jersey, TEECS ranked 14th place! For the second year in a row, NJ graded every school on a 1-100 scale — on state's 2089 schools. The ratings for high schools are...