
National School Choice Week (NSCW) is Jan 22nd - 26th. NSCW shines an incontestable spotlight on effective education options for every child. The goal of NSCW is to raise public awareness of all types of glorious, forthright education options for our industrious progeny. These...

On January 24th, the industrious TEECS Green Team sowed the seeds of its new Tulip Garden! We cannot wait to see the glorious tulips gracing the front of our building in a few weeks' time! The proud students of the Green Team dug 5"-deep pits...

On January 23rd and 24th, TEECS held its glorious 2nd quarter Awards Ceremony. Grades K-5 and grades 6-9 all received their awards and honors. We are very proud of all of our students. They all work with the utmost dedication to do their best....

On Friday Jan 12th, TEECS held their MLK assembly. The assembly was a whole school event. All the grades each presented something they had worked on in class that pertained to Martin Luther King Jr. Some students preformed songs, read poems, talked about...

TEECS Robotics teams (Robosmart) won Championship Award at the FTC event held at Liberty Science Center last Saturday. They also won the Innovative Design Award and secured their place at the State Championship. Congratulations to Pragnya, Aaamir, Saurav and Sandy. We are so...

On Dec 12th and Dec 13th, TEECS held their annual Winter Concert for all grades. In addition to the students performing we had our Glee Club and Bands play as well. Both nights were filled with fun and enjoyment. A big thank you to Mrs....

On Dec 8th, PTO held their annual Cookies with Santa event at TEECS. Kids had so much fun making crafts, playing games and enjoying some yummy treats! Thank you to PTO, you did an amazing job! [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='772157661591496107' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers='' more='Show More']...

On November 7th and November 8th, TEECS held their 1st quarter awards ceremony for grades K - 5 and 6-8. Students were handed their awards and certificates for the first quarter. Thank you to all the parents and teachers for their support and...

On November 20th, TEECS had the pleasure of watching Omegaman perform at our school. Omegaman has come to TEECS before and the students loved him so much we asked him to come back. Omegaman presents a educational assembly that addresses bullying and...

Starting Nov 8th thru Nov 10th, TEECS held Donuts with Dad for all grades. Students and their Dad's were able to enjoy some quality time with their kids while visiting with administration and teachers. Thank you to all that came. [gallery type='flickr' photoset_id='72157689106406194' layout='circle' per_page='12' headers=''...