02 May TEECS has Two Recipients of the 2023-2024 Governor’s Educators of the Year!
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) strives to recognize educators who have gone above and beyond in their service to New Jersey’s students. All local educational agencies (LEAs) are encouraged to participate in Governor’s Educator of the Year program to honor the hardworking teachers and educational services professionals for their dedication to students, and to the profession. The Governor’s Educator of the Year Recognition Program (GEOY) promotes a culture that recognizes excellence, creates a sense of pride and brings public attention to the work of outstanding educators.
At Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School, we consider all of our teachers “Educators of the Year”. We have a full team made up of exceptional talent and educational expertise. This year, we called everyone’s attention to two of our star team members: Mr. Colin Gross and Ms. Ada Hasani.
Mr. Gross is a High School English and AP Teacher at TEECS. He has been working in education for nine years, starting programs, creating change, and empowering students through high levels of expectation and success.
Ms. Hasani is a Full-Time Substitute Teacher/Educational Support Professional (ESP) at TEECS. She has been in the education field for almost 12 years and with TEECS for 9 years.