On Saturday, April 20th, TEECS held its 4th Annual Wellness Fair. Although the early morning started out with rain and chilly weather, the afternoon turned into a warm, sunny day. This year’s fair had its biggest turn out yet with lots of families enjoying the festivities!

As always, TEECS staff and students were on hand to entertain and inform the attendees. TEECS Chorus performed and sang the National Anthem and the event was officially opened by TEECS’ Cheer Squad. The TEECS Green Teams, school nurse and SmartTech teacher as well as a representative from EcoSchools were on hand providing information on sustainability and health and wellness.

From the Somerset County Sheriff’s office, Sheriff Russo and his team were in attendance with their K-9 performing some of his skills for the crowd. In addition, there were more than a few therapy dogs in attendance loving the attention they received from all our guests. Visitors were able to purchase plants, jewelry, clothing, and decorations. Free messages and a chiropractor were on hand to provide relief and information. As always, our Zumba instructor led the attendees in a short class to get everyone moving.

Our younger guests enjoyed the Boy Scouts, face painting, bounce houses, balloon animals and performances by kickboxing and martial arts representatives. Also included were various food vendors offering Indian, Turkish, and American food options as well as the ever-popular ice cream truck.

To complete the event, TEECS’ Red Cross club coordinated a blood drive for community members. The Red Cross was on site from 8am until 1pm and registered about 30 donors on Saturday. Thank you to all that supported the Red Cross’ efforts.

The day was a success, and we look forward to seeing you at our 5th Annual Wellness Fair! Save the date for Saturday, April 26, 2025!

Wellness Fair at TEECS 2023-24