12 Feb TEECS 2024-25 Lottery Results
2024-2025 Waiting Lists
- TEECS is a tuition-free, public, charter school. While all students are welcome to apply, only those who reside in one of our three home districts of Franklin Township, North Brunswick, or South Brunswick, are included in the lottery.
- Students that reside outside one of our three home districts will be added to the end of the waiting list, in the order that the application was received.
- The lottery that is held creates a waiting list for each grade that is used for the entire academic year. The ONLY vacant seats at the time of the lottery are for Kindergarten and Grade 9.
- The waiting lists posted below include the results of the 2024-2025 lottery and lottery applications received from students who reside outside one of our three home districts before the deadline. It does not include waiting list applications received after the application deadline.
- Enrollment offers are sent as seats become available, which is dependent upon whether current students transfer out. There is no timeline for this process and we cannot predict how many students will receive an enrollment offer in any given year.
- Enrollment offers are sent via email and the deadline varies based on when the enrollment offer is sent. Enrollment documents will only be accepted after an enrollment offer has been made and when submitted with the enrollment application.
- Kindergarten and Grade 9 enrollment offers are emailed starting in late February/early March for accepted students highlighted in GREEN; all other enrollment offers for other grades are sent starting in June if there are available seats.
- If your student does not receive an enrollment offer during 2024-2025, they will need to reapply the following year to be considered. The waiting list does not carry over from one year to the next.
- Weighted Lottery: TEECS offers a waiting lottery for economically disadvantaged students. Qualifying students will receive four (4) entries into the lottery if proper documentation was submitted with the lottery application.
- For status updates, please email info@energysmartschool.org. Please note that we cannot share lottery information verbally.
- You can read more about our Admission Policy here: https://www.teecs.org/
admissions/. If you have any questions, please email me at info@energysmartschool.org.
Please click the attached link to see the list of each grade: