Veterans Day Celebration at TEECS 2023-24

Veterans Day Celebration at TEECS 2023-24

Thomas Edison EnergySmart Charter School welcomed Veterans, Erick Kasner, Frank Grippo, Sam Pesce, and Victor Abramowitz on Friday, November 10, 2023 for a Veteran’s Day Celebration. These special guests were treated to breakfast with our faculty and gave speeches to our students on the topic of Patriotism. Students were given the opportunity to ask the veterans questions and have in-depth discussions about their experiences.

In addition, every year, in honor of Veteran’s Day, TEECS participates in the annual Red, White and Jeans Day. On this day, staff and students wear red, white and jeans for a $5 donation to the GIGO Fund. This fund helps support veterans, military spouses and all those in need with employment, housing, education, benefits, healthcare and more. All money collected by the TEECS community is donated directly to this organization.
This year, we had a goal of $300. We greatly exceeded that goal by collecting over $700 for the GIGO Fund!

Veterans Day Celebration at TEECS 2023-24