FTC 2023-24 Central Start-up Event

FTC 2023-24 Central Start-up Event

The TEECS 11754 EnergySmart team is honored to inform you that we recently hosted the Season Start-up event by co-hosting with DON’T BLINK, the World Winning Alliance from last year. This event took place last Sunday at the Thomas Edison Energysmart Charter School. We had the pleasure of hosting a total of 10 teams, approximately 130 students, with the majority of attendees being rookie teams.
During this event, we had the opportunity to share our experiences and insights from last year’s Freight Frenzy game, discussing the challenges we faced and the valuable lessons we learned. Furthermore, we showcased our robot’s prototype on this year’s game field and attempted to conquer the new challenges in the game.

24th FTC Robotics Central Start-up Event Hosting at TEECS 2023-24