Team Techno Dragon (TEECS 8th graders: Aarav, Shivansh, Shrey, & Vinay) attended the Michigan VexIQ Signature Event on Dec 8th & 9th

Team Techno Dragon (TEECS 8th graders: Aarav, Shivansh, Shrey, & Vinay) attended the Michigan VexIQ Signature Event on Dec 8th & 9th

Team Techno Dragon (TEECS 8th graders: Aarav, Shivansh, Shrey, & Vinay) attended the Michigan VexIQ Signature Event on Dec 8th & 9th Where 56 teams across the USA and Canada participated in competitions. The kids gave it their all and qualified for the divisional final matches!
Team Techno Dragon’s current standing is 1st in the New Jersey Vex IQ middle school division with 174 points, and they are well-positioned to continue competing. Also, the team built relationships with other teams by organizing a fun activity to “Guess how many vex pieces in a jar,” after which the kids distributed 3 prizes to the lucky winners 😀.
We are proud of these TEECS students equally for their accomplishments and demonstrating strong characteristic leadership.